Imaginary North
Imaginary North Presents
Ambient Afternoon
Ambient Afternoon is a free monthly event featuring live and DJ ambient (and adjacent) music in a cozy and comfortable setting, Toronto's Standard Time (165 Geary Ave, 2nd Floor).
Imaginary North is committed to curating the best in local ambient artists in a cozy environment open to all ages (sadly, not fully accessible at the moment). We encourage participants to come by for as long or as short as desired.
Performances are completely free. Standard Time offers alcoholic and cafe beverages, as well as an incredible record shop. Imaginary North will also have available cassettes, CDs, and other merchandise.
Upcoming Dates
Sunday February 23
Standard Time, 165 Geary Ave. 2nd Floor
Rosy Glow
Coy Haste (DJ)
Sunday March 23
Standard Time, 165 Geary Ave. 2nd Floor
shn shn
Metric Time Ensemble
Raf Reza (DJ)
More TBC
Sunday April 27
Standard Time, 165 Geary Ave. 2nd Floor
Ben McCarthy (Album Release Show)
More TBC
Sunday May 25
Lineup Coming Soon
Past Dates
Sunday December 1
​Kilometre Club
Sun Rain (DJ)
Wei En
Sunday January 26
Dermott Reilly
Metric Time Ensemble
Sun Rain (DJ)